Sweet Mabel

Sweet Mabel is cool shop in a cool town, and I think I am one of the only people on the main line that hadn’t visited until this year. For people that mentioned the shop to me (about 25), I think it must have been like quoting The Princess Bride or Labyrinth and hearing, “Never watched it.”  Madness!  Tracy and Dave are as cool as their little shop, …and creative  …and laid back, and I’m not just saying that because for the first time ever I didn’t have to hang my own pieces (and stress about how they are ordered). Thank you, Dave, thank you… Do you “freelance hang”?

If you’re in Narberth, stop by Sweet Mabel and buy all the things, because you will want to and life is short.  Also, you can’t take it with you, and you only live once, and all the cliches. If you think about it, shopping is the hunting and gathering of our time. If you’ve never heard of Narberth – gasp – go there today. Have some cheese, see a film, watch the crossing guard do her thing, buy a book from a real bookstore, go to Sweet Mabel and buy gifts for everyone (and yourself), go to the little market, smell the hardware store (even better than “library smell”), buy some wine and hop a train home (unless you drove, then don’t).

Also, take a look at the paper cutting on display, because it’s mine and I made it with love, which I think is the theme for one of the coolest towns on the main line.
